The journey from conversations around a kitchen table in 2007 to the sale of the last unit in 2016 was a wild ride filled with times of clarity and times of doubt, times of solidarity and times of conflict, times of energizing enthusiasm and times of debilitating exhaustion. Careful planning, hard work, dogged persistence and a healthy dollop of dumb luck were all part of the formula for success.
At the end of the day the thing that really kept us afloat and delivered us to this point is simple: people. At every critical juncture, smart, capable, hard-working, good-hearted people stepped up and put their shoulders to the wheel. Still, as anyone who has ever built a house can tell you, the work is never truly
finished. There’s always something to improve, maintain, repair, replace or tweak.
If you feel you have something to contribute and you’re interested in becoming part of this grand experiment, use our
inquiry form to let us know.