
Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage has no formal membership process. Simply put, you become a member by becoming a resident — either a unit owner or a renter. Our
expectation is that the nature of the community is the reason why people want to be here. Our hope is that they will come with a community-oriented mindset and energy for becoming engaged and productive members of the community.

Sales & Rentals

Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage does not buy, sell, or rent homes. All purchases, sales and rentals are private transactions between the parties involved. We don’t have a waiting list but we do maintain a database of potential buyers/renters that we make available to owners who are looking to sell or rent. If you'd like to add your name to that list, please complete this
inquiry form. To stay up-to-date on units for sale or rent, check out our Available Homes page.


Legally, Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage is a condominium association subject to relevant Maine state law. We have a Board of Directors, a set of bylaws, and a set of community agreements we call the Book of Commons. Functionally, our organizational structure is based on the principles of Sociocracy, also known as Dynamic Governance. The
Sociocracy for All website has an excellent outline of sociocratic principles.


All units are privately owned, and owners pay monthly condo fees to the association as well as annual property taxes to the City of Belfast. There are no dedicated low-income units, but renters who meet the state’s eligibility requirements may be able to take advantage of
MaineHousing’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.


At this time, we do not have a mechanism in place for offering formal tours. That said,
informal visitors are always welcome. If you happen to find yourself in the neighborhood, there’s an excellent chance that any community member you meet will engage you in a casual conversation. If you submit a request for information via our inquiry form, please be patient with our response times. We’re not a business — we’re a community.
© Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage — 25 Village Rd — Belfast, Maine 04915